How CIO's Can Keep Data Secure and Stay Ahead of the Technology Curve
By Paul Vogels on Apr 27, 2023 11:00:00 AM
Being a CIO is no longer simply a case of ‘managing’ hardware and software. Today you are more likely to be regarded as the guardian of the data or expected to be at the forefront of innovation implementation.
Modern technology can bring the advantages of increased efficiency, cost savings and improved operational performance. But having older or multiple tools can make data security, data communication and data integration more difficult.
The CIO who can keep data safe, communicate the value of technology, and stay ahead of the tech curve is worth their weight in gold.
Rising Threat of Cyber Attack
The construction industry is under an ever-rising threat from cyber-attacks. And the industry may not be fully prepared to counter hi-tech criminals.
In 2022, construction group Interserve was fined £4.4 million by Britain’s data watchdog after hackers were able to steal the personal and financial information of up to 113,000 employees.
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said Interserve broke data protection law because the company failed to put sufficient preventative measures in place.
No organisation can say it has not been warned.
As a CIO, you can expect your CEO to be asking constantly about data security and compliance. It might even be in the top 5 questions CEOs should ask their C-suite.
Keeping Data Secure
According to Forbes, the threat of ransomware attacks, data breaches or significant IT outages worry many companies more than supply chain disruption.
Connected IoT devices, BIM and other collaborative tools, and electronic building tools are all potential areas of attack. The World Economic Forum reports studies which reveal that 95% of cybercrime issues can be traced to human error.
To minimise risk, a Project Controls approach would ensure employees, contractors and clients are clear about their responsibilities, individually and collectively, with data. Training helps to seal any gaps in knowledge about keeping information safe and best practice.
At the simplest level, the use of strong passwords and routinely changing passwords could prevent potential disaster. The problem may not even be with your people. The weakest link can often be your organisation’s implementation partners - they need advising, too.
But having strong password protocols is just one piece of the security puzzle.
Staying Compliant
Data security and data protection are two of the biggest issues in digital technology today. As a CIO, you’re going to want to be on top of current and changing laws, rules and regulations to keep the information of people, your organisation and stakeholders safe.
Are you reading this and 100% confident everything is in place?
Project Controls builds compliance into the process at every stage of the way. Have trained people, robust processes and secure technology in place to give your organisation confidence with every project.
Making Technology More Secure
The risks to data are increasing not just because of the commitment and tech expertise of the hackers. As large construction industry projects become increasingly complex, it creates more space for things to go wrong.
If your organisation has older hardware and software, and uses multiple tools, it can be harder to stay on top of data protection. You’ll have cyber security software in place, of course, but the more cogs in the wheel you have, the more that can go wrong.
If you’re using a modern ERP or PM software like Oracle or PMWeb, you will have robust defence features built in.
Having the right Project Controls tools also enables departments, units and teams to worry less about cyber-attacks and focus on productivity. For example, it’s something that can help your CFO overcome their 7 key challenges.
Staying ahead of the Technology Curve
If your tech is old or a bit ‘dated’, you may find colleagues asking you about newer technology options. It’s your task to work out what’s best for your people.
How are you ensuring they have the right tools to allow them to work productively, collaboratively and efficiently?
You’ll be following what leaders and consultants in the field are saying. You’ll be keeping an eye out for new products or upgraded versions. You’ll be communicating with colleagues to understand their challenges and how tech can help to solve them.
Your COO will certainly be happy if you can help them to increase Project Controls operational efficiency.
Project Controls in the Boardroom
Project management which embraces Project Controls gives the CIO a better understanding of which tech and tools will best serve the organisation’s strategic and operational requirements.
To learn more about how to keep data secure and stay ahead of the tech curve, download Primaned’s free executive insight guide, Building Success with Smart Tech & Safe Data: The CIO’s Guide to Project Controls.
* Note: all quoted statistics in this guide are taken from Primaned client feedback, interviews and surveys during 2022.
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