Primaned Blog

The CIO’s Guide to Project Controls - Building Success with Smart Tech & Safe Data

By Paul Vogels on Apr 20, 2023 11:00:00 AM

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As a CIO, you may not feel you always get the credit you merit. 

It may be because so much of your role is more ‘behind the scenes’. It may be because others do not understand or have much interest in technology. It may be because you’re not keen to be in the limelight.

As your CPO will know only too well, having the right technology and security plays a significant part in finding ways to build consistent project success.

Maintaining Robust Data Security

Of all your responsibilities as a CIO, your primary ‘must do’ is to ensure data security for your organisation. 

Scheduling a regular review of your cloud solutions, server, hardware, software and other tools will help to spot any potential weak links. You’ll also want to ensure best practice around data protection is communicated across the company.

You can be sure your CEO will be asking you if everything is watertight as part of more meaningful Project Controls conversations they can be having in the C-suite.

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Providing the Right Tools for Your People

The CIO does not want to hear people saying they can’t complete a task, report or deadline ‘because of the tech’.

The expectation is that you will provide the tech people need to do their job well. You’re going to be busy with connecting data, business integration and facilitating comparisons between ‘apples and pears’ data - for example, one project running with Primavera, another with Microsoft Projects.

If you’re not asking the questions of your CFO or COO around their business needs, your setup may fall short. Project Controls puts the focus on using the best tools for an organisation’s strategic and operational requirements.

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Keeping Compliance with Global Data Regulations

Imagine the day You’re looking through the system and there it is. You’ve had a data breach.

Your head starts spinning. You have to think fast. Initiate your emergency protocols. And with every passing minute your mind is calculating the potential damage this could cause. It’s a horrible feeling. Let’s hope you never have to experience it.

The damage to reputation, trust and your revenues could be severe. Part of Project Controls is having a systematic approach to compliance and data security training.

Staying on Top of State of the Art Technology

If your technology is working for you and your organisation, there may not be a need to change things - even if a more ‘fancy’ solution is available.

But you’ll be keeping an eye on developments in hardware and software. You’ll already know there are so many good tools out there: OPC, Primavera P6, Safran, PMWeb and Microsoft Projects, for example.

And you want to ensure your tech is not slowing people down, hindering their job or increasing the risk of data exchange or communications problems. If you’re looking at new software or upgrades, it can be helpful to ask independent IT specialists, like Primaned, for advice.

Meeting and Exceeding KPIs Under Pressure

You’re preparing for another meeting of the C-suite. You know boardroom colleagues will be keen to hear your latest reports. Are you on top of costs? Is the budget on track? Do teams have the tech they need to get projects done?

With a Project Controls approach, there is a focus on optimising the performance of people, processes and tools. That’s only going to make achieving your KPIs easier and your reporting a more comfortable experience.

Managing Requests for Support and New Solutions

Every week you may find boardroom colleagues coming to you for advice, reassurance or even support for a project they’re keen to put forward.

They do so because you have the technical expertise they lack. You’re the ideal person to advise them.

Is the new software they’ve heard about worth investing in? Will it add anything to productivity or efficiency? Is an in-house solution better than an external solution? What are the pros and cons?

When you have optimised tools and processes, it’s usually a good way to keep your margins healthy, people happy and your organisation competitive.

Taking the Technology Initiative to Solve or Prevent Problems

As a tech expert, there's also an expectation that you know all about the latest tech developments and products.

A bit embarrassing in the boardroom if a colleague refers to something new that’s been off your radar.

But there is also an expectation that you will be someone who can come up with new ideas, initiatives or innovations to help the organisation build capabilities and growth.

Project Controls in the Boardroom

Project Controls provides an approach and a process for making the most of technology to optimise organisational performance.

To learn more about the challenges and how to overcome them, download Primaned’s free executive insight guide, Building Success with Smart Tech & Safe Data: The CIO’s Guide to Project Controls. 

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* Note: all quoted statistics in this guide are taken from Primaned client feedback, interviews and surveys during 2022.

Topics: PC Boardroom

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